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PurpleLightUp 23
creative workshop

wecanfly curated an inclusive creative workshop to celebrate Disability History Month 2023. We taught three selected participants from the Down Syndrome Development Trust Eco-Printing, a technique which creates unique artworks that are down to the designer’s creative decision-making. For the finale of the day, each participant designed, printed and modelled their own wecanfly jacket. These 3 jackets were repurposed samples that demonstrated the wecanfly approach to inclusion and sustainability. So often in fashion samples go to waste, instead, ours are used for inclusive, artistic purposes.

‘We worked with wecanfly for the first time and quite simply, we’d jump at the opportunity to do so again. Jake’s talent is immediately obvious, his communication and attention to detail has been exemplary. The project was organised and managed with notable kindness, empathy and care. It illustrated so vividly the ethos of wecanfly and the commitment to Disability Inclusion. We have been nothing but impressed'.
Guy Passey - Down Syndrome Development Trust Director

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